diabetes symptoms in childrenDiabetes is a deadly medical condition not only for adults but also for kids. Every parent needs to be watching for signs that might show that their children are at risk of contracting juvenile diabetes. The following are the 12 diabetes symptoms in children that you should never ignore.

Diabetes Symptoms In Children

1. High Fever

High fever in kids a sign of infection.  Your kid’s immune system is trying to fight the microorganisms causing the infection. It is important as a parent to take your child for medical check up in order to make sure that the fever is not a major medical condition. 

2. Headache

Most kids complain about headaches occasionally. These may in fact be caused by diabetes. Frequent headaches will also affect your child’s overall happiness and even his or her moods. Watching out for this symptom can help save your kids life from diabesity – 8 Steps to Reversing Diabesity.

3. Cuts and Scrapes

Doctors say that cuts and scrapes are the number one sign of type 1 diabetes in children.

4. Vomiting

Vomiting is another sign of diabetes. Vomiting dehydrates your kid’s body through the loss of fluids. Failure to treat this can lead to several complications that will ultimately endanger your kid’s life. It is advisable to take your kid for medical checkup as fast as possible if he or she is vomiting frequently.

5. Diarrhea

This is among the most dangerous signs of signs of diabetes in children. Persistent diarrhea can cause  rectal bleeding, abdominal cramps, and weight loss, all of which are latent stages of diabetes development. You need to seek medical attention as fast as possible.

signs of diabetes in children

6. Rashes

Since your kid’s skin is often young and tender, rashes are a very common sign of type 1 diabetes in children. As a parent, whenever you see rashes on your kid’s skin, consult a medical practitioner as soon as possible .

7. Pain While Urinating

This is a type 1 diabetes symptoms that can cause your kid a lot of trouble. Your child may complain of discomfort whenever he or she is peeing. You should notify a doctor. The doctor will likely give your child an antibiotic that will treat the infection in its early phases.

8. Excessive Sleepiness

If your kid is taking additional naps or looks to hit the hay earlier than normal on a regular basis, there is a chance that he or she is at risk of diabetes. Excessive sleep might cause your kid to gain weight, which is often linked to acute diabetes. You should always call a doctor to learn the cause of this condition.

9. Poor Interest in School

Most kids often wake up with excuses for not going to school, but it turns out that this is one of possible diabetes symptoms in children. Most of kids with this issue will tell you that they are tired or just want to hang around with you.

10. Bruises

Bruises may be another noticeable symptom of diabetes in kids that every parent needs to note . You need to discuss with your kid the main cause of his or her bruises. If they are not related to a physical injury, you need to speak with a doctor.

11. Swelling in Joints

Just like in adults, severe aches in your child’s legs and arms can be signs of diabetes. You need to take your child for medical attention to learn what the main source of the issue is.

12. Excessive Thirst

Diabetes can sometimes cause kids to need more fluids to maintain their body, especially if they are active little ones.


We all know kids like sweet stuff. Be aware that giving your child sweet beverages and many sweets is not advisable even for healthy kids since it can lead to insulin overproduction.  Every parent needs to be aware these 12 diabetes symptoms in children so that they can protect their kids from childhood diabetes.